..:: saw ::..

i didnt expected too mucho of saw, in the begining just a thriller-gore-horror movie, but after watch it... i changed my mind. saw plot starts when dr lawrence gordon awakens on a decaying bathroom floor. His ankle is handcuffed to one of the bathrooms many pipes. In the centre of the room lies a dead body that seems to have died by apparent suicide -by headshot-. blood leaks from an open head wound and the victim holds a revolver.
on the other side of the room sits another man named adam, who seems to be in the same situation as gordon. on a microcassette, their abductor instructs gordon to kill adam or the two men will die and so will gordon’s wife and little daughter. other than the microcassette, their abductor has left the men a couple clues and two badly worn handsaws that are only strong enough to cut flesh and bone -....-. what are they going to do? who is more desperate? what would you do?
definitively, go and watch it, u will be impressed...
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