Friday, October 28, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005

this proves that the spanish armada won the pro evolution soccer 5 real soccer championship. it took place at sardinia -cerdeña in spanish- last week, included as an activity inside pes liga. altough we didnt do too bad in the game championship -myself arrived to quarter finals, the same as our national team in the world cup- we bright in the real soccer. it was hard because the rest of the teams were taller, stronger and more soccer players-like. but with a contundent defense and an without fail number 9 -our friend steffano- we won the championship without any loose.
tokyo nights
i know most of you will hate me for that, specially my mates of nihongo no kurasu, but last september i was on tokyo for 2 weeks. i was sent to cover this year's tokyo game show for meristation but i arrange the trip in order to stay a few more days. i really had a good time there and i must thank our japan's correspondent ocampo-san and kare no kanojo, esther, for the hospitality shown the days i was at their sweetie japan style-home. also it was very interesting to met miguel-san, our new contributor from japan, he is amazin! he is fluent on japanesse and also teachs spanish to japanesse people in an accademy. also i met my singapore brother, aaron, that was working as special sent for his magazine too. it was a pitty we couldnt go on party togheter as the pussy hunters that we are.
more interesting things were the two visits to akihabara where i bought a sony vaio at an unbeatable price, the interviews with kojima-san and fumito ueda director of ico team, sega club, the hughe queues at the metro and japan rail stations, the anime shops -take an eye to the saint seiya myth cloth collection- and, with difference, the great dorayaki, a creamed cookie from doraemon. almost forgot, i have learnt how to prepare tera makki ^_^

more interesting things were the two visits to akihabara where i bought a sony vaio at an unbeatable price, the interviews with kojima-san and fumito ueda director of ico team, sega club, the hughe queues at the metro and japan rail stations, the anime shops -take an eye to the saint seiya myth cloth collection- and, with difference, the great dorayaki, a creamed cookie from doraemon. almost forgot, i have learnt how to prepare tera makki ^_^